Learn about the importance of weight transfer in all types of driving.
Learn about the importance of weight transfer in all types of driving.
Most modern drivers use the 9-and-3 steering position, but the old-school “shuffling the wheel” technique perhaps shouldn’t be fully discounted.
There are many common myths out there about driving, or just common beliefs that we as a driving society tend to hold on to that simply don’t check out against actual reality.
Rally driver Karen Jankowski visits Team O’Neil for stage rally driving and training.
A hydraulic handbrake is great addition to a rally car, drift car, off road race truck, or any vehicle where rotating sideways into corners is an advantage
Learn how to drive a manual / standard transmission in your car.
What Are the Best Real Driver’s Cars? A video discussing some of the best cars available for your specific purpose.
Tractionizing tires will give you much better grip on ice surfaces, and can be done very easily.
Utilizing Weight Transfer of a automobile for Driving, Racing and Rally
Learn more about rally racing stage notes and drivers working with their navigator/co-driver.